The King's School

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Please book now for our Open Morning - Tuesday 8th October 10.30am

Welcome to The King's School

Welcome to The King’s School, Witney, an independent Christian School for ages 3-16 years, on the outskirts of Witney, near Oxford.


Our school is a place of adventure and exploration, of fresh challenges and exciting opportunities, where your child can discover their true worth, grow in love, and impact the world in Jesus’ name.  Please explore our website to find out more about the school and contact us to arrange a visit.


We would love to see you at our Open Morning on Tuesday 8th October at 10.30am. Please reserve your places by visiting our Open Morning Booking Page.

Latest School calendar Feb 2024 Events

Summer holiday13Jul2024

12:00 am - 30 aug, 12:00 am

INSET Day02Sep2024

12:00 am - 12:30 am

INSET Day03Sep2024

12:00 am - 12:30 am

INSET Day04Sep2024

12:00 am - 12:30 am

School Photography Company Individual, Tutor Group and Family Portraits07Oct2024

12:00 am - 12:30 am

Work Experience Y1021Oct2024

12:00 am - 25 oct, 12:00 am

Y6 Transition Taster Day22Oct2024

12:00 am - 12:00 am

Calendars page(s): School calendar Feb 2024 >>
Some of our younger pupils with Mrs Weber.
Some of our younger pupils with Mrs Weber.

“Welcome to The King's School, Witney! We're a unique blend of academic excellence and spiritual nourishment, rooted in our commitment to Christ.

"Our tailored curriculum, dedicated Christian teachers, and close-knit community define us. With small class sizes and a legacy of impactful alumni, we offer a nurturing environment where students flourish academically, spiritually, and personally.”

Mrs Lynne Weber, Principal.


Proverbs 22:6. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”