Vision, mission and philosophy
Vision and mission
We are a Christ-centred, independent school, nurturing children in godly character and academic development.
Our mission is to support parents in discipling their children to:
- reach their academic potential
- know God and develop their relationship with him
- serve and influence others through godly attitudes and actions.
Our philosophy
The school is owned by Oxfordshire Community Churches. Their churches are members of the Evangelical Alliance. You can find out more about our philosophy on the Statement of Faith page of the Evangelical Alliance website.
Biblical Wisdom
We put huge value on the Bible, and seek to apply the knowledge and understanding it gives us through every subject (our curriculum), in the discipleship of our pupils (character) and in all areas of school life (our community). We value the word of God because it introduces us to God himself, shows us his promises and leads us to wisdom in behaviour and in our attitude to learning.
Sacrificial Love
Loving God, and loving others as you love yourself, is Christ’s great commandment. This love is the radical, ‘agape’, love of Christ which took him to the cross. This love develops a strength of relationship between teachers and pupils beyond that which can be generated through human effort alone. We therefore become a family, and not an institution. This essential and supernatural character trait is described through 1 Cor. 13, and through the fruit of the spirit in Gal 5 where the list can be also an unpacking of what the ‘fruit’ of love is (Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control).
Spirit-led Faith
This is the presence of the empowering Spirit, that raised Christ from the dead, to give us courage to take risks and believe the impossible. It is beyond what is natural as it comes from God and it causes us to break free of the limitations we might put upon ourselves. This faith spurs us on, to press though spiritual battles, develop spiritual gifts, share the gospel, and engage with the great commission, discovering God’s great purposes for our lives. This faith gives us the ultimate hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ.