Uniform and equipment
We have recently reached the end of a two-year consultation period in regard to school uniform. This consultation came about due to changes in Government guidelines as well as a desire by the school to ensure that uniform remains affordable and appropriate for all of our pupils.
All of the announced changes below will have a two-year roll-out, but you are obviously welcome to begin the process of making changes as appropriate as soon as you wish to.
The transition to unbranded jumpers in the secondary school began in November last year, and we expect all our secondary pupils to have made this change by the end of December 2024.
Please note there will be a new TKS tie, which will be available from the school in due course.
Many of our uniform items can be bought on the high street, or through online retailers. Branded uniform items (school jumpers etc) are available from Skoolkit.
We also have a second-hand uniform cupboard where we often have uniform items ranging from 50p to £3. Please contact the office to check availability.
Personal Possessions
We discourage pupils from bringing personal possessions into school as the school cannot accept responsibility for any personal possessions that are lost or damaged in school. If a pupil has been asked to bring in an item from home for a class activity, parents should remind the pupil that the item should be stored safely with a staff member during the day.
Labelling uniform and equipment
All items that are worn or bought to school should be clearly labelled with the pupils’ full name. There are many good label suppliers online, including myNametags.com. Please let the office know if you would like to order through them as we can earn commission on sales on this website.
Lost property
There are two lost property boxes in school, one in each foyer. Please ask your child to check both boxes for lost items. The staff will try to return items that have been labelled to the correct child.